Integrated TRADITIONAL Medicines
Peace Education for Better Health
Towards an integrated world health system, on the physical, mental and spiritual levels





               Friday the 28th of May             

16h00    Introductory conference

Prof. T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen presents Lord Pandit
Prof. Dr. Sir Anton Jayasuriya
: a life for better health

16h00    Opening Ceremony

Chairpersons: Alfredo Sfeir Younis, Silvia Magistrini, Lama Michel
Welcome by the Authorities and inaugural prayers for World Peace by representatives of different world spiritual traditions, (Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Soto Zen, Sufi-Islam, Tibetan Buddhism, Mongolian Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, Brahma Kumaris Tradition, Indigenous traditions, Sikh and others�) with a special dedication on the occasion
of the International Day of Vesak and the New Year of the Maya Indigenous Tradition
Introductory conference and presentation of participants

19h00    Cocktail with musical entertainment

Prof. T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
Ven. Lama Michel
Prof. Silvia Magistrini
Prof. Anton Jayasuriya
Prof. P.R. Trivedi

               Saturday the 29th of May              

09h00    The comparative approach to medical systems:
its importance and validity

Chair: Alfredo Sfeir Younis, USA

Prof. Anton Jayasuriya, Sri Lanka
Prof. T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen, Italy
Prof. Gabriele Mandel-Kh�n, Italy
Dr. Leonardo Spina and Dr. Sonia Fioravanti, Italy
Dr. Paolo Lazzaro, Italy
Dr. Ruedi Schneider, Switzerland

11h00    Coffee break

11h30    Restoring psycho-physical balance
Chair: Silvia Magistrini, Italy

Don Sergio Chiesa, Italy
Dr. Charo Carrillo, Spain
Dr. Marta Cortes, USA
Dr. Serafina Corsello, USA
Lucio Gallo, Italy

13h30    Lunch

14h30    Taking care of the Inner and Outer Environment

Ecology - Chair: Prof. Luigi Zanzi, Italy
Dr. Claudia Sobrevilla, USA
Prof. Claudio Viacava, Italy
Dr. Marco Del Grande, Italy
Prof. P.R. Trivedi, India
Herbal Medicine � Chair: Dr. Patrizia Tursini, Italy
Dr. Linda Lancaster, USA
Dr. Riccardo Legnani, Italy
Dr. Luciano Zambotti, Italy

16h30   Coffee break

17h00   The Great Medical Traditions: New Ways of Exchange and Integration
Chair: Dr. Riccardo Legnani, Italy

Dr. Mauro Alivia, Italy
Dr. Samorindo Peci, Italy
Dr. Tirtha Bhattarai, Nepal
Dr. Gian Mario Esposito, Italy
Dr. Vera Paola Termali, Italy
Lana Yang, USA
Prof. Anton Jayasuriya, Sri Lanka

               Sunday the 30th of May              

09h00    Overcoming Physical and Mental Dependences
Chair: Dr. Luciano Zambotti, Italy

Dr. Mauro Croce, Italy
Dr. Sergio Thiesen, Brazil
Dr. Giuseppe Spinetti, Italy
Dr. Rogier Hoenders, Holland
Dr. Marie Jos� Manidi, Switzerland
Dr. Dino Mariani, Italy

11h00    Coffee break

11h30    Extending the definition of Health in the fields of education,
spirituality and culture: Education for better Health

Chair: Silvia Magistrini, Italy

Pierre Wittmann, Switzerland
Althea Gray, USA
Julian Piras, Germany
Dr. Diego Vellam, Italy
Dr. Carla Faiella, Italy
Dr. Noti Vincelli, Italy

Felix S. T. Chen, Taiwan
Sunny Kuo, USA

13h30    Lunch

14h30    The concepts of Health and Disease in the Indigenous Medical Systems: Methods of Cure
Chair: Prof. Anton Jayasuriya, Sri Lanka

Prof. T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen, Italy
Fermin Gomez, Guatemala
Dr. Claudio Bagliani, Italy
Dr. Amadio Bianchi, Italy
Tina Calautti, Italy

16h30    Coffee break

17h00    Continuation

Dr. Naligamage E. M. S. Kumari, Sri Lanka
Amchi Dawa Tsering, Tibet-China
Queta Querubin Alvarado - Colombia
Jos� Sebasti�n Jansasoy - Colombia


Chair: Alfredo Sfeir Younis, USA
Reading and signature of the Declaration
Proposal for a Permanent Forum for the Interdisciplinary Dialogue
between the Medical Traditions of the World.


United Nations Member States Flags Ceremony dedicated to World Peace

   Parallel Practical Sessions (Saturday & Sunday) 


Lama Caroline, UK
Lama Tsultrim and Lama Thubten, Spain
Leonardo Ceglie, Italy
Tina Calautti, Italy
Konstantin Pavlidis, Greece

           Tibetan Herbs and History Exhibition          

Lama Lawang, Tibet-China
Amchi Dawa Tsering, Tibet-China

Mental Health- Physical Health - Now and Forever
With the attention of all Human Beings
With the Blessings of all Holy Beings