"One day we must come to see that peace is
not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we
arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means".
Dr Martin Luther King Jr
thursday the 8th
of June
XI Anniversary:
presentation at ECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission,
Santiago, Chile - of Lama Gangchen's proposal for the creation of a
Spiritual Forum for World Peace at the United Nations.
Dedicated to the Eternal
Holy Memory of Pope John Paul II
16h00 Opening Ceremony
Presentation of the United
Nations Member States national flags
Welcome address by the
authorities, guests of honor and keynote speakers
Inaugural prayers for world
peace and in celebration of this year’s Vesak by representatives of
different world spiritual and religious traditions
18h00 Opening Statement - Alfredo Sfeir-Younis
Keynote & Special Guest Speakers
19h00 Cocktail and musical entertainment
United Peace Voices - Italy
Nicotra - Italy
FRIday the 9th
of June
09h00 "EDUCATION" with positive side effects for your health
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Italy
Keynote & Special Guest
Chairperson: Prof. Silvia Magistrini
Magistrini, Prof. Silvia - Italy
Praise to slowness. The Pedagogy of the snail
Mercieca, Prof. Charles - USA
Medicine and Health
Meyerhof, Nina Lynn - USA
Positive Side Effects in
Tianxiu, Bao - Mongolia
Tianhu, Bao - Mongolia
Vellam, Diego - Italy
Therapy as Education
Monzino Jr., Antonio - Italy
Dimension for growth
Question & Answer
15h00 "MEDIA" with positive side effects for your health
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Italy
Keynote & Special Guest
Dr. Antonella Di
Jain, Bawa - USA
Chen, Felix S. T. - Taiwan
Transformation of all
violent media to peaceful media
Kuo, Sunny - USA
Lama Gangchen World Peace
Media: Objective
Dalin, Chang - China
Pozzi, Gloria - Italy
Janitschek, Hans Walter - USA
The power and the spirit
Question & Answer
saturDay the 10th
of June
09h00 "SCIENCE" with positive side effects for your health
In memory of Prof. Anton Jayasuriya
Open University for Complementary Medicines - Sri Lanka
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Italy
Keynote & Special Guest
Chairperson: Dr Claudia Sobrevila
Sobrevila, Claudia - Venezuela
Wisdom and Science are One:
Increasing Positive Decisions for Humanity
Croce, Dr Mauro -
Individuals, social groups and communities:
their independence in building the social capital
Manidi, Marie-Josè - Switzerland
Positive cognitive side
Carrillo, Dr.
Charo - Spain
Positive Side Effects in Tibetan Medicine
Prof. Dr Wang Bao Ping - China
To dissolve the atherosclerotic plaque
the direction of treating cardio-cerebra-vascular disease
Hoenders, Dr Rogier - The Netherlands
Positive Side Effects in
Question & Answer
15h00 "SCIENCE" with positive side effects for your health
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Italy
Keynote & Special Guest
Prof. Luigi Zanzi
Zanzi, Prof. Luigi - Italy
For an individual
“eco-ethics” of responsibility
beyond the horizon of intentions
Valle, Prof. Luciano - Italy
Ethics and the
Tosco, Frenanda - Italy
Making Peace with Death
Schneider, Dr. Ruedi – Switzerland
The General
Practitioner’s perfume!
Zambotti, Dr. Luciano -
Movalli, Cristina - Italy
Natural spaces, silences,
Yang, Lana - USA
Positive Side Effects of
anti ageing is to stay mentally
and physically healthy
Question & Answer
the 11th of June
09h00 "ECONOMY" with positive side effects for your health
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Italy
Keynote & Special Guest
Prof. Alfredo Sfeir Younis
Sfeir-Younis, Alfredo - Chile
The External Effects of Modern Economics
Ceccarelli, Dr Franco - Italy
Small is
Pera, Dr Tiziano -
We Need the Gold of the
O'Connor, Lelia - USA
How Being Peaceful at Work Makes You Stronger
Meyerhof, Nina Lynn - USA
Presentation of the project of the World Spirit Fund
Question & Answer
15h00 "SPIRITUALITY" with positive side effects for your health
Guest of Honour -
Venerable Phrabhavanaviriyakhun Dattajeevo Bhikkhu
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
- Italy
Keynote & Special Guest
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen &
Lama Michel
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen - Italy
World network of peaceful
and positive side effects
Lama Michel - Brazil
without title: what do young people ask today
of spirituality?
Mandel-Khan, Prof. Gabriele - Italy
Sufism: A
peaceful way through meditation
and musico-therapy
Taqing, Zichi - China
Thiesen, Dr Sergio - Brazil
Education of the Spirit
and How it May Cause
a Better Humanity
Jansasoy, José Sebastián -
Cultural and Spiritual
Recovery of Indigenous People in Colombia
as a Positive Effect for Peace
Tallarico, Dr Vincenzo - Italy
The fundamental role
of active listening and of syntony in the development of the psychological
resources of the child
Question & Answer
17h00 Conclusions
and exhibits during Congress time
Simultaneous Translation - English - Italian - Chinese
“All Violent Side Effects
Transform into Non-Violent Side Effects
Into truly Positive Side Effects
by all Human Beings’ Attention, Please!
By all Holy Beings’ Blessings, Please!”
T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen
A teachers’ exemption from
instruction has been granted by the Italian Ministry of Education
(Protocol N. 1640 - 29th of May 2006)
to cover the congress days.
A participation certifi cate will be issued.