Lama Gangchen World Peace Media
With over a hundred healing centers in Europe, South America and Asia, a
lot of documentary films have been produced independently by different
groups of organization or disciples. Peace Media aims to consolidate these
resources and promote these valuable artworks including hundreds of video
raw materials preserved in our headquarters in Italy. The project pertains
to review and re-produce numerous precious films depicting Lama Gangchen’s
World Peace activities and the dissemination of his spiritual teachings.
Lama Gangchen initiated the concept of <Inner peace as solid foundation of
world Peace>. He also developed a Naglso Tantric Self healing method to
purify our inner mind as a foundation of peace education. Peace Media will
incorporate <Inner Peace> as the key component of our visions to develop a
series of film featuring Lama Gangchen’s philosophy of World Peace.
The establishment of “Wisdom
Planet” at Lama Gangchen Peace Culture Museum in Italy will honor the
events and persons with remarkable contributions to world peace. Peace
Media plans to generate the programs on this subject and to broadcast
through interactive media around the world. Moreover as an integral core
subject in promoting peace culture, our goal is to embrace the themes on
various Ancient Civilization as well as Chinese Minority Cultures headed
by Tibet. The traces of these ancient treasures
inevitably transpire the essence of spiritual culture and humanity.
Through advocating “Making Peace with Amazon”, Lama Gangchen
re-iterates the importance of conservation and preservation of our
environment by showing respect to nature and spirituality. This
illustrates how the positive meanings of Ancient Tibetan culture heritage
relate to maintain our mother earth with balance and harmony.
Meanwhile, we are
establishing a digital multimedia platform in South China for
collaboration through internet with different parts of the world. Our goal
is to team up with those who share common vision
and interest in promotion of world peace, especially the young generation,
to work together for this good cause. It is our mission to facilitate
international exchanges and cultural activities between China and Latin
American region and to cooperate on issues concerning preservation of
cultural heritage and ecological environment.
I would like to end my speech with the quotation of Lama Gangchen:
Inner Peace is the most Solid Foundation for World Peace
Inner Peace, World Peace, Now and Forever
By the Power of the Truth
By all Human Being’s Attention
By all Holy Being’s Blessing