Born in Germany, she studied Medicine in Hamburg, Freiburg, Goettingen and Vienna. MD on”Carcinoma of the Bladder”. Married with two children to an orthopaedic surgeon for 40 years, managing family, home, and a small praxis as a GP, with additional certificates in sports-medicine, nature healing, pain therapy and psychotherapy. Chairwoman for nine years of the Medical Women’s Association in our region. Main emphasis on lectures of scientists, philosophers ( esp. “Brain and Mind” ) or people engaged in worldwide social projects etc. Fond of travelling in South East Asia, she first met Rinpoche Gangchen in Java, Borobodur, at millenium with her husband. Detecting Lama Gangchen again in her little hometown Braunschweig via books and videos on display at a Buddhist lecture she attended by chance. Since then she never lost Rinpoche and is happy whenever she meets him at his centre, on retreats, or accompanying him in Nepal and Tibet, hoping to be able to do so in the future again. (
The Healthy One has got 1000 Wishes- the Sick only 1 This is an exctract of a lecture given by me in my hometown in Germany in a registered society for patients recovering from cancer the “Krebsnachsorgeverein e.V.” It is based on that I learned so happily from the Mahasiddha Lama Gangchen Rimpoche. As a medical doctor I was asked to show them OBR’s video ”Ngalso”, an old Tantric selfhealing method, adjusted from OBR to our today’s busy life to relax the sufferings of human beings. As a Non Formal Therapy it is based on the first teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni. “Ngal” means abandoning bad things and experiences, and “So” means embracing positive things and experiences. Keeping in mind the fixed minds of the Germans, I decided to give first a lecture to introduce these patients slowly to Selfhealing- Inner and Outer Peace. To give them a small eyeopener, a Non Formal Therapy to heal body and mind by themselves, a small peace message, a simple seed. In every culture there are wise sayings, which refer to a cosmic intelligence, our inner wisdom, our Heart-Thinking. But the more we are dependent on Formal Education overestimating technology and Brain-Thinking the more this old wisdom based on experience is submerged, its genuine sources get lost, fears, agressions und fightings increase. In this “Journey” I tried to find pictures, quotations, examples, findings etc., which could evoke forgotten memories and interrelations, which served human beings for thousands of years to cope with the turbulences of life. I pointed out as well to Neurosciences and its galloping findings, which start to explore and back up scientifically some of those experiences, human beings knew down the ages only by empirical knowledge and inner wisdom, accepting powers of light and darkness. I invited the listeners to join me step by step from outside to inside, from Macrocosmos to Microcosmos, from Universe to Quant, trying to bring more understanding, less fear, more sun on their path and give them at hand a Non Formal Remedy to look at their lives in a broader context, to look deeper inside themselves, to get hereby a feeling of Healing and Peace. The patients should realize, that the Buddhist Cosmology is different from the scientific way of seeing. Every human being equally
Every human being equally
Every human being equally looking for Health and Peace has to learn
Only with Inner Peace we are able to develop the power to recognize and
escape from manipulations by “twilight” research of “Brain and Mind” (see:
Horrorvision of Neurobiology in FAZ 23.1.04 “ Neuro-Twilight”) “Love is the greatest Energy in the Cosmos” |
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