The World Peace
Prayer Society (NGO)
is a non profit, non-sectarian peace organization with offices in the
USA, the UK, Germany and Japan, founded in 1955 by teacher and
philosopher Masahisa Goi (1916-19880). Following the devastation of
World War II, Mr Goi looked for a way to bring peace to all people and
the prayer and peace message "May peace prevail on earth" came to him
in a moment of great inspiration. He realised that these words express
the common wish of all humankind and he envisioned that their gentle
yet powerful effect would
activate global peace consciousness.
Today`s chairperson of the WPPS is Masami Saionji, who gives lectures
at international conferences about inner peace and successfully writes
books about the same subject.
Among the activities of the WPPS is the Peace Pole Project, the Flag
Ceremony for Peace in all the countries of the world and Peace Pals, a
program dedicated to n urturing inner pace and global awareness in
children around the world. Peace Pals will be introduced at the IAEWP
Dagmar Berkenberg (born Scherer) runs the WPPS German office in Munich.
Summary of Speech of Dagmar Berkenberg
The Peace Pal Program is for children all over the world (age 5-15)
teaching them to think about peace in their everyday life, put those
thoughts into action by doing simple and small, yet very powerful things
such as helping somebody in need, caring about the environment etc. On a
global level, Peace Pal gives children the opportunity to learn about
the richness of their diversity. Ongoing links with a group of peace
pals in another country are created throught the exchange of artwork,
cultural customs and correspondence, sharing the message M ay Peace
Prevail On Earth. |