Graduated in Philosophical Literature
from the University of Genova.
Director of the
“G..Galilei” United Institutes, Arma di Taggia (IM), Italy
Director of the
Arts Academy, San Remo
Provincial Vice
President of the International Federation of Human Rights
President of the National Association against Tumors (ANT)
President of
the Ligure section of the International Association of Educators for
World Peace
Founding Member
of Cygnus, San Remo
Professor of
philosophy, anthropology and literature
Author of
numerous articles specialized in the field of socio-philosophy
The Report will
start from a consideration on the universally shared idea of culture as
it has been thought by the English sociologist E. Burnett Taylor in
order to explain the relative and complementary meanings of cultural
mono-identity and poly-identity able to lead to a modern intercultural
and trans-cultural perspective.
We live nowadays
in a “multiracial global village” where the intolerance toward what is
different is not only anachronistic but also contrary to any logic of
development. It is then unbreakable the need to build a universal
culture of peace and freedom, condition and expression both of respect
for the “different” and of a sustainable development and better quality
of life.
He will then
point out (very briefly), with important references going from the
historic-philosophic to the anthropologic-social points of view, those
common values of different cultures, either the universal ones belonging
to a trans-cultural dimension representing in any case the base on which
to build a common “metaphysics of behaviors”, able to be, in the end, an
efficient synthesis of ecology, quality of life and mental health.
The whole report will be based on the
incapacity of renouncing to this trinomial and on his being “conditio
sine qua non” of a holistic vision of human beings. |