Dr Vincenzo Tallarico - Italy

Vincenzo Tallarico is an analytic psychologist and a Sand  Play therapist. He is a member of the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Analitica (A.I.P.A.) and of the IAAP (International Association for Analitical Psychology). He is a promoter and teacher of the Mindfulness Project (www.tallarico.it/mindproject.asp), and a meditation teacher according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

He came into contact with Buddhism in 1978 when he met Lama Thubten Yesce. He trained with Dora Kalff, a Jungian analyst and a direct student of C.G. Jung; since that time, both on a personal and a professional level, he has sought to integrate western and oriental psychology.

He held seminars on psychology in various Italian cities and he has taught psychology and meditation in various European cities as well as in India and in Nepal.

Since many years he is regularly invited to teach theoretical and experiential courses in various Italian Buddhist centers, in yoga schools, in universities and in psychology schools, hereby spreading a comparative approach between western and oriental techniques and methodologies.


The fundamental role of active listening and of syntony in the development of the psychological resources of the child

Practicing meditation, breathing consciously, training in concentration and in the four immeasurables (loving kindness, rejoicing for others, compassion and equanimity) – all of these are fundamental instruments to generate the inner qualities that can help to listen deeply to a child.

Fundamentally speaking, these practices make the mind clear and limpid by purifying it from its attachments, from its conditionings, from the so called mental impurities.

In the Buddhist teachings it is said that the fundamental nature of the mind has the qualities of purity and clarity: it is like a clean mirror that reflects everything that appears on its surface, without judging if something is to be considered as beautiful or as ugly, as good or as bad. It simply reflects the nature of things as they are.

A mirror has no preferences for reflecting certain types of things rather than others. It always works in the same way independently from the object that come stand in front of it.

A mirror does not change its fundamental nature, and, in the same way, the mind in its fundamental unconditioned nature is empty.

The metaphor of the mirror gives us some precise indications on the way that adult persons should learn to listen.

Our awareness will work like a kind of inner massage that brings about transformation.

The modality of active listening is defined as “non-directional”. According to this, the changes in the child are not made by the adult person: rather, the adult person only makes these changes possible by supplying the conditions that support the natural tendency to self-realization and growth.

In psychotherapy, this is defined as the paradox in change: there is no need to understand, there is no need to fight against oneself in trying to change, there is no need to go looking for something else or to reach some goal, etc.

It is enough just to develop the capacity of having a mind that present and compassionate. This suffices to transform blockades, knots, conditionments and to develop wisdom (the so-called insight, a term that is often paraphrased as “becoming aware of”. However, this refers to a process that doesn’t stand in relation to the rational and conceptual mind, but rather to a syncretistic elaboration that involves both sides of the brain and that derives from deeper, unconscious ways of elaborating things.)

In this perspective the adult person doesn’t have the function to help and to understand (according to the model ‘if I understand then I will do and change’). Rather, his function is to help the child to be, to develop a sense of presence and of openness – and this, in itself, is transformative.