Dr Sérgio Thiesen - Brazil

Sérgio Thiesen was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1953.

Medical Doctor degree in 1977 and Physics in 1993, both by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Cardiologist, specialized by Federal University Rio Grande do Sul,
from 1982.

Clinical Cardiologist at the National Institute of Health in Rio de Janeiro, from 1989.

Associate Professor in Medicine at the same Institute.

Physicist, specialized in Magnetism, Solid State Physics.

Creator and Director of a Spiritist Society in Rio de Janeiro, with large experience in Mediunship and research about relationship between the spiritual world, spiritual life and medical and mental diseases.

Speaker about Spirituality in Meetings, Seminars and Congress in Argentina, Equador, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Angola, etc.


Education of the Spirit and How it May Cause a Better Humanity

Humanity is characterized by numerous material problems, with many nations and different cultures face misery, hunger, disease –of an ethical and moral nature, in the midst of corruption, violence, war, depression, suicide and toxic dependency. In this context I would like to present a body of ideas, laws and regulations which, as they become better known and are lived by people as part of a pedagogical and educational process that may be offered to people of all ages, and especially in childhood, may bring long-term benefits and aid the achievement of real happiness for the individual and collectivity, for institutions and society.

This body of ideas within an educational process may be:

1. Imortality of the soul - a notion that the core of life is the soul, which precedes the actual existence and will suceed the same. A notion that it is important to live considering eternity as a reference and not that of a single life, material and unique.

2. The triple constitution of each human being: the physical body, the perispirit and the soul, or spirit—that which is material, but is perishable, and that which is eternal, tanscendental and definitive. The valuing of all, but with emphasis upon the spirit, the intelligent principle of the Universe.

3. Reincarnation - the successive opportunities to conquer virtue. The conquering of virtues that bring nobility to the spirit in its ascending march and can gradually free the spirit of the dramas and tribulations of the world, part of imperfect beings that lack spiritual education. To be reborn, to be formed again, in the quest for eternal values such as altruism, the obedience of divine laws, universal love, a single flock, the great earthly soul.

4. Every reality is that of the Spirit and every peace is that of understanding the Kingdom of God, His love and His Justice.

5. The most important temple for the cultivation of a divine presence, is the conscience, which accompanies us through eternity.

6. The imperative of charity, fraternity and solidarity – spiritual and material – as duties sacred to creatures.

7. The definitive conception of the divine origen of everything that exists and of human dignity, of the superiority of good and of the fraternity of the universe, the supremacy of love and the sovereignty of truth.

8. The law of cause and effect, of action and reaction, of personal responsibility—in the certainty of the law that, if we benefit or harm someone we are benefiting or harming ourselves. The planting is free but the harvest is obligatory.

9. Spirituality must penetrate all accomplishments of physical mankind, leading mankind for the good of all.

Conclusion: A spiritualist Pedagogy, which can take in consideration the entire body of ideas expressed above so as to serve in the process of recuperation of the human creature – in this phase of decline of our Humanity. I will show the preliminary results of the Spiritualist School in Brazil.