Integrated TRADITIONAL Medicines
Peace Education for Better Health
Towards an integrated world health system, on the physical, mental and spiritual levels




Dr. Giuseppe Spinetti - Italy

Head of Psychiatric Hospital since 1991, Imperia, Italy


Is active member in several Scientific Societies and Associations,
such as:

  • World President WPA Section "Ecology, Psychiatry and Mental Health", Section of the World Psychiatric Association

  • National President, “ Italian Society of Ecology, Psychiatry and Mental Health", Section of the World Psychiatric Association

  • National Vice-President, “National Coordination of Pshychiatric Diagnosis and Cure Services”

  • President, Internaitonal Institute of Psyachiatry and psycho-therapy

Professor lecturing in several Institutes and Universities, both in Italy and abroad, such as:

  • The Institute of Psychiatry of the “Sacred Heart” Catholic University, Rome, and the University of Genova, Italy

  • Professor in Bioethics, University of Genova

  • Professor in psycho-Geriatrics, Catholic University Rome

  • Professor in psychiatric reabilitatione, University of Genova

Has authored over 250 articles published in magazines and dailies and scientific magazines:

  • "Depressione ed Ansia", Casa Editrice "Centro Studi Psichiatria e Territorio",1992

  • "La Psichiatria verso il Duemila", IIPP Editore, 1994.

  • "La Psichiatria del Terzo Millennio", IIPP Editore 1996.

  • "New Age: una nuova Qualità della Vita per il Terzo Millennio?", C.E.I. Editore, Imperia, 1997.

  • "New Age: una nuova Qualità della Vita per il Terzo Millennio?", 2° Edizione, C.E.I. Editore, Imperia, 1998.

  • “Nuove Prospettive nella Terapia della Depressione”, IIPP Ed., Savona, giugno 1999

  • “Manuale di Psichiatria per Operatori SocioSanitari”, Grafica Amadeo Ed., Imperia, settembre 1999

  • “Psicologia e Psichiatria nel Terzo Millennio. La Prospettiva Next Age”, IIPP Ed., Imperia, ottobre 1999

  • “Manuale di Psichiatria per Operatori SocioSanitari”, Seconda Edizione, Grafica Amadeo Ed., Imperia, novembre 1999

  • “La malattia di Alzheimer: malattia sociale”, IIPP Ed., Imperia, dicembre 1999

  • “Pianeta Emergenza e Protezione Civile: aspetti psichiatrici, psicologici e socioculturali”, IIPP Ed., Imperia, giugno 2000

  • “La Psichiatria di Consultazione: realtà esistenti, problematiche, prospettive future”, CIC Ed. Internazionali, Riv. Psichiatria di Consultazione, suppl. 1/2000

  • “SPDC in Italia: ubicazioni, informazioni, riferimenti”, Editore Fondazione P. Varenna, suppl. a “Psichiatria Oggi”, anno XIII, 1, 5, 2000

  • “Nuove Prospettive nel Trattamento della Schizofrenia” , IIPP Ed., Imperia, novembre 2000

  • “Psichiatria ed Ecologia”, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Roma, maggio 2001

  • “Il trattamento integrato dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare”, Marco Sabatelli Editore, Savona, aprile 2002

  • “L’ Assistenza Psichiatrica Ospedaliera: realtà esistenti, problematiche, prospettive future” IIPP Ed., aprile 2002

  • "Adolescenza e Sessualità. Educazione alla sessualità e prevenzione della pedofilia", IIPP Editore, Imperia, settembre 2002

Has participated in over 250 conferences, congresses and workshops, both national and international venues. Is regularly requested to make presentations and chair meetings.


Relaxation techniques, Hypnosis and Quality of Life, with particular reference to the cure of drug dependency.

"In modern times, the mantle of the magicians is mostly to be found on the shoulder of these dynamic professionals in the field of the psychotherapy, whose competence is by far superior to that of other therapists and whose achievements appear so astonishing that they make us feel strong emotions, incredulity and utter confusion”. (Bandler and Grinder, 1981).

The state of hypnosis is a particular state of consciousness in which one can influence the somatic, visceral, neurological and psychological dimensions by working on the “forming mono-idealisms” (these are ideas and suggestions that carry a rich emotional content. They can work a deep modification on the behavior and psychology of a person, but also on the harmonious balance and the functions of his organism). These mono-idealisms can either be induced by oneself (auto-induction, as in self-hypnosis) or by an external person (hetero-induction, such as by way of a hypnotist). They prevalently make a use of imagery and emotional contents, rather than appealing to the critical-intellective functions (in other words, the emotional contents more emphasized than the rational contents. Thus, there is a major stimulation of the right hemisphere of the brain, while in our normal life, we usually use mostly the left hemisphere).

In this way, hypnosis is neither a state of sleep, nor a state of partiality or dissociation, nor some sort of a “strange phenomenon”, but rather a state of consciousness in which certain organic, visceral and behavioral modification become possible in the concerned person.
This state of consciousness is not static, but extremely dynamic. It can range all the way from a vigilant state of “conscious hypnosis” to a somnambulist state with subsequent amnesia, that is very similar to sleep (with the phases of passing from a state of falling asleep characterised by a slowing down and dimming out of conscious thinking, to a state of deep sleep on to the state of slowly waking up again). Hypnosis must be distinguished from simple forms of "trance", during which there is a dissociation of the “I” (that is, the loss of the unity of the functions of the “I”) and a regression to its primordial, monadic functioning. This state, however, lacks the quality of plasticity, of being formable, that is characteristic of the hypnotic state. It is only here that the “mono-idealisms” that are anchored in the body or the mind, and that come about trough ideas and emotionally laden suggestions can bring deep transformations not only of the behavior, but also in the balance and functions of the human organism. Through this, creative, auto-hypnotic thought-forming phenomena (idioplasmic phenomena) are created on the physiological dimension of the organs, modifying their normal functioning.

Thus, summing up, hypnosis is a particular state of consciousness, that, to a larger or lesser extent, is accessible to everyone. In this state, there is the possibility to make somatic, visceral, neurological and psychological transformations. This is achieved by working on the “forming mono-idealisms” or ideas and suggestions that carry a strong emotional signification. In this way, profound changes can be achieved in a person as well with respects to her behavior and psychology, as with respects to the harmony and functions of her organism. These mono-idealisms can either be induced autonomously (auto-induction, as in self-hypnosis) or by an external agent (hetero-induction, such as by way of a hypnotist). Making a preponderate use of representational and emotional contents, rather than of critical-intellective functions, they stimulate mainly the right hemisphere of the brain, while in everyday life, the left hemisphere is usually more active.

There are numerous relaxation techniques using analogous methods and techniques to attain similar results, but generally speaking, they are of a lesser power and of a lesser efficacy and stableness in their results.

Particularly, the treatment of general dependencies on drugs (like alcohol, tobacco, etc…) has been an excellent field for the application of relaxation techniques and hypnosis since quite a long time already.

Thus, hypnosis, and, to a lesser extent, the other techniques of relaxation, appear to be techniques for improving the potentialities of our mind. Hereby, they allow us to realize the goal that has always been sought for in the history of mankind and that appears as a particular challenge in our 21st century as well: the improvement of the Quality of Life.


- Bandler R., Grinder J.: La struttura della magia. Astrolabio, Roma, 1981.

- Bandler R., Grinder J.: Ipnosi e trasformazione. Atrolabio, Roma1983.

- Eccles J.C.:La conoscenza del cervello. Piccin, Padova, 1976.

- Eliade M.: Lo sciamano e le tecniche dell'estasi. Mediterranee, Roma,1974.

- Ellenberger H.F.: La scoperta dell'inconscio. Boringhieri, Torino, 1976.

- Frazer J.G.: Il ramo d'oro. Boringhieri, Torino, 1965.

- Granone F.: Trattato di Ipnosi, 2 Voll., UTET, Torino, 1989.

- Haley J.: Le strategie della psicoterapia. Sansoni, Firenze, 1974.

- Jaynes J.: Il crollo della mente bicamerale e l'origine della coscienza. Adelphi, Milano,1984.

- Koestler A.: L'atto della creazione. Ubaldini, Roma, 1975.

- Lapassade G.: Saggio sulla trance. Feltrinelli, Milano, 1980.

- Luria A. R.: Come lavora il cervello. Il Mulino, Bologna, 1977.

- Pavesi P., Mosconi G.: Tecniche ed applicazioni dell'ipnosi medica.
Piccin,Padova, 1974.

- Peresson L.: Ipnositerapia, 4 Voll., Faenza Ed., Faenza, 1982.

- Scarpa A.:Etnomedicina. Lucisano Editore, Milano, 1980.

- Schopenhauer A.: Magnetismo animale e magia (1819) in Occltismo e filosofia, Melita, Genova,1988.

- Spinetti G.: La Psichiatria del Terzo Millennio. Ipnosi, Training
Autogeno, Psicoterapie Brevi. Edizioni IIPP, Imperia, 1996.

- Spinetti G.: "New Age: una nuova Qualità della Vita per il Terzo
Millennio?", C.E.I. Editore, Imperia, 1997.

- Spinetti G.: "New Age: una nuova Qualità della Vita per il Terzo
Millennio?", 2° Edizione, C.E.I. Editore, Imperia, 1998.

- Spinetti G.: "Manuale di Psichiatria per Operatori SocioSanitari",
Grafica Amadeo Ed., Imperia, settembre 1999

- Spinetti G.: "Psicologia e Psichiatria nel Terzo Millennio. La
Prospettiva Next Age", IIPP Ed., Imperia, ottobre 1999

- Spinetti G.: "Manuale di Psichiatria per Operatori SocioSanitari",
Seconda Edizione, Grafica Amadeo Ed., Imperia, novembre 1999

- Torta R., Zanalda E.: Le basi psicobiologiche dell'ipnosi. Minerva
Psichiatrica, vol.31 n°3,1990.